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The Changes in Liam

I keep saying how different Liam is and it is so true! Here are some photos to illustrate Liam on the move other than his one armed commando crawl that I used to call the Quasimodo crawl (he really looked weird the way he commando crawled). Today he's going to have his first physical therapy appointment in three weeks. I can't be here as I took time yesterday to be at his first occupational therapy appointment ever, which I think we all agreed we'll have one more and if he's still doing well we can drop those. Niki will have the fun of showing Ruth all the cool things Liam can do now. I did talk to her on the phone earlier this week and she is incredulous that he's doing so much now. I wish I could see the look on her face when she sees what Liam can do now.

Here's Liam with something his brother wants. Sometimes Liam will let Tommy take stuff from him and he doesn't care. When he does care, he just stays on the move and Tommy follows him.

Here's Liam popping up to sit (a new skill in the last three weeks) and Tommy trying to take the opportunity to take the camera lens cap from him.

Here's a little cameo appearance of Tommy's full face when he's not trying to find trouble of his own.

Here's a new common view in our house. Two boys on the move, crawling through the house. Liam just started crawling on his hands and knees in the last week or two. Now he doesn't drop to commando crawl very often at all.

Here's standing Liam! Next to his sister's very long leg. Wow! I didn't realize her bottom of her leg is about as big as her brother.

Here's a cute little pic of Liam's face with chocolate on his lips if you look close enough.

Here's one last photo of Liam kneeling in front of a table toy. If you have any idea how hard it used to be to get him to kneel in front of a toy, you'd know how huge this is!

Congratulations, little Liam! You've come a long way, baby! I mean toddler!


BigP's Heather said…
I can't get over how quickly they are sprouting up!!
Marcelle said…
Your boys are lovely Heather, such good lookers!!!
do they take after mommy or daddy :)
Deanna said…
Yay for Liam! That's great that he's making so much progress so quickly. I guess kids really do things in their own sweet time, huh?
Lauren said…
Those are some great pictures. I was beginning to wonder how your house could look so neat and put together with babies around and my house looks like a tornado hit it with just 1 8 year old so I was very happy to see some toys. ;-)

Seriously, though, I am glad to hear they are doing so well!
Billie Mercer said…
They definitely do things on their own time. We have one grandson that we thought would never learn to talk. Now we would like for him to learn to be quiet and NOT TALK.
Mel said…
Way to go Liam! :)

I still remember the pic of you standing on the doorstep on your way to have the gave me hope that I wouldn't have to be preggers FOREVER! And now, the boys are growing SO fast!

Such beautiful boys, Heather! *hugs*
Anonymous said…
Hooray Liam!!
sara said…
Congrats Liam! I could see the chocolate too by the way :-)
Anonymous said…
wow! congrats :) go liam.
LOVE the little chocolate mouth!

And he's doing SO, SO well. What does the occupational therapist do vs the physical therapist?

I know what you mean about incredulous - sometimes I look at my two and can't BELIEVE they can crawl - they're not babies anymore, Heather. You have little boys!!! Gorgeous little boys
On My Mind 24/7 said…
Go Liam! He looks like he's doing great! Such a cutie pie!
Carrie Ann said…
They are sooo cute!!! Handsome little dudes!

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