First thing in the morning yesterday, Tom and I were supporting each other working out together, and I could tell he wasn't in the best mood. We talked and I understood where he was coming from, not being happy exactly with where he was in life right now. I was on the elliptical machine reading my Yoga Journal and feeling a little better myself about acceptance, and we had a short pep talk. About that Happiness is not about being thrilled about where you're at and what you are doing, but accepting yourself and your situation right now. So taking that thought into my day, I tried to do that as well. I tried to accept that even though it was my day off that I'd get paged 4 times to complete a stupid spreadsheet that my boss wouldn't like the story the content tells, because he'd rather it be further ahead of schedule (Yeah, me too!). I tried to accept any issues that would come out of the sewing of the new quilt for our bed, as Tom and I tried to match up the int...
Family, Recipes, Fitness and Health