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Miracle Mornings - September Challenge

Wow!  Have I ever been busy and there is so much to provide updates on.  But I'll start with what book has been rocking my world and that's the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.  I've also been doing a 30 Day Challenge with the support of a private Facebook group of an amazing group of women.  I will continue doing daily Miracle Mornings through the remainder of the year as I've been learning so much about myself.

The concept is relatively simple.  In order to be successful, you need to put yourself in the right frame of mind for the day and ensure you are spending time improving yourself daily.  Hal put together for himself and others several practices in a plan of daily Life S.A.V.E.R.S., which stands for Silence (meditation), Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading (personal development books) and Scribing (journaling).  Don't think that this synopsis will let you not read this book.  I strongly recommend it.  Recommendations on how to wake up and increase your WUML (waking up motivation level) are outlined, each of the practices is thoroughly explained and there are bonus materials on his website for additional help.

I would not say I've been 100% perfect this month, but it's been a learning process.  Here are the things I've learned:

1.  I need to exercise first with the schedule I have with getting kids ready for school in the morning.  We have two shifts in our house - the early high school bus and the bus an hour later for our elementary school boys.  I really like to have at least 30 minutes for exercise and if I don't do that before I our daughter wakes up for school around 5:45, I'm not going to be able to exercise in the morning.  It took me all month to figure this out.  I will start working out

2.  I'm still working on affirmations.  The bonus materials from Hal's website are helping me greatly.  I think my brain is still fighting it thinking it's a bit hokey to be saying these things out loud and I'm trying to really believe what I'm telling myself.

3.  I love reading personal development books and writing in my bullet journal while I'm drinking my morning coffee.  Right now, I'm reading I Am That Girl by Alexis Jones.

4.  I've been bullet journalling for the last two months and I'm sooooo in love!  It's the perfect way for me to organize my thoughts and keep myself organized.  I've been trying to organize myself digitally for ages and I've finally decided pen and paper is where it's at.  I'll have more posts on that topic, but I'm still learning all the things I can do with bullet journalling, so I'm still a novice.

Here's how my morning routine will look starting tomorrow with the new order:

  • Exercise - 30 minutes
  • While making coffee (French press) 
    • Silence - Meditation
    • Affirmations
    • Visualization
  • Wake up the high schooler - drink coffee
    • Reading
    • Scribing (bullet journal)

I'll have a lot more updates on other items soon.  Our daughter is doing well in school and is still loving being a field hockey goalie.  The boys are in 2nd grade and in their second year of Cub Scouts.  I'm their Den Leader and will be taking over as the Cubmaster for our Pack at the end of the year.  I do lots of research on activities, skits and games to keep these boys excited to come to meetings.  Hope all is well with you all!!!


Marcia (123 blog) said…
I heard this guy interviewed on The Lively Show. Did you hear that interview? It was a good one.

As you know I'm not a morning person at all - I do everrrrrrrything at night so I can roll out of bed, get ready and get to work. Except for my 2 days a week that are a little bit slower.

Denmaster sounds FUN!!! Tell me more :)

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