While we're not enjoying the time apart, we are looking at it as a time to grow. I'm trying to get things done around the house, working hard at my new job (machine learning models for our Operations department, v. exciting!!!), trying to find time to exercise, eat healthy and most of all reconnect with who I am without my husband around. I wouldn't say reconnect with who I was - we've been together for over 25 years. I'm not the same person as who I was back then, thank goodness!!! Rather, spending some time reflecting on who I am now and what I love about our life. What I want more of and what I want less of. Fantastically, one of the things I want more of in my life is my man. I can't wait for us to be all together under the same roof, both for the Christmas and Year End holidays and for good. I really did luck out at such a young age (21) to meet an amazing man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. He truly is my best friend and the person I want to share everything with.
I may be around this blog more as I explore my life as what I call the "married single mom". I'm also curious to see if there are other blogs around that are about the same topic. I'm sure there are some for spouses of deployed soldiers. Those might be helpful as to how to cope, but I'm curious if corporate career decisions have done this to any families. When I was fighting infertility blogs were my oasis, both to write down my feelings and to read others thoughts and coping (or not coping moments).