I finished watching the first season of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and I loved it! I think I was finally able to understand the concepts in her book, by seeing it all in a video format. I started re-listening to the audio book over the weekend while I was doing the weekly cleaning and it really started to speak to me and things I needed to hear. Here are the top things I've learned about the process I need to go through:

- I do not want my daughter's cast offs. Those are items that are not going to spark joy for me! I am the mom that when my daughter purges stuff from her room, that I go through her bags and look for things I want. I have sweaters from my daughter in with my clothes that I thought I would wear, but never do. I still like her old sweatpants. She got rid of them as they were too small in the leg, but my legs are shorter than hers.
- I do not want to sell anything that I am purging. That is poor thinking. I can take my unwanted things to Goodwill and bless someone else with the items that aren't serving me anymore.
- I am missing some key items in my wardrobe that will help me put together outfits to wear to work or errands. I really need new ballet flats in brown or beige, new black closed-toe pumps, a pretty nude color bra and some sweaters that I would like, not hand-me-downs from a teenager.
I believe this is exactly the thing I need to do right now for this phase of my life - my daughter is transitioning to college, we're done having any more children and after this year, it will be just the boys and me until Tom comes back from living in Boulder.
I totally see what people on the show say that it can be overwhelming to go through all their clothing they own in one shot. I am following the method truthfully, and pulled out all of my clothes at once, the closet, the armoire and my dresser. Here are some pictures of what I was faced with.
I am more than 3/4 of the way through everything. There are some shoes and clothes that have made it back to my closet. I have two trash bags full and I need to finish packing up stuff for Goodwill into the back of my car. It is going straight to the back of the car and out of the house! Funny thing is the trash service here was supposed to pick up Monday morning, but they didn't come at all yesterday! I have bags of trash still left over from last week that I couldn't fit in the can! We usually never fill our trash cans, but between the boys' playroom and now my clothes, I need a week or two to get back to normal on our weekly trash pickup.
I will post after pictures in the next day or two! I've already setup a drawer for my bras and they look so pretty!!! I might even post a pic of how cute they look, even though that is slightly embarrassing! I really do like looking for what sparks me joy! I've always been about finding joy in my life (hence my blog name!) and now I really feel like it's coming my way through Konmari.
I will post after pictures in the next day or two! I've already setup a drawer for my bras and they look so pretty!!! I might even post a pic of how cute they look, even though that is slightly embarrassing! I really do like looking for what sparks me joy! I've always been about finding joy in my life (hence my blog name!) and now I really feel like it's coming my way through Konmari.