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Stopping the Voices in my Head - aka Mastering my Mindset

The more I work on my personal development, the more I realize I need to stop listening to and changing the negative things I tell myself in my head.  I'm also noticing the older I get the more the negative things I hold as beliefs about myself are not true.  This reinforces that I should second guess the other negative beliefs I hold inside ... maybe those are not true either.  Here are a few things I've realized are not true:

  • I need help to put air in my car tires - This was one of the first things I learned as my husband had to move to Colorado for work. I did this at the Wawa up the street where the machine will stop and beep when your tires are at the right pressure.  I also learned and committed to memory that the pressure you want your tires at is inside your gas cap, something I have to open at least once a week.  This was something that was super easy to learn to do and had me zipping along the roads in a few minutes without the anxiety that I was going to pop a tire anymore.
  • I'm not mechanically minded  - our dishwasher stopped cleaning the dishes on the top rack.  I Googled how to fix it, learned a few things about how the mechanisms in our dishwasher work, did get the top of the dishwasher to work, but now not the bottom, called the dishwasher repair in for next Tuesday, but I know that it's a part that needs to be replaced (that diverts the water from the intake to the two washer arms) and not something expensive like a control panel or other electronics.
  • I can't do basic home stuff - I'm working on this one still.  I will try some stuff - cleaning the basement, fireplace and organizing my stuff ala Konmari.  I've had some successes and some mishaps, but I know its making me a stronger more confident person.  
Today I'm listening to "I'm a Badass at Making Money" from Jen Sincero on Audible and I know this is exactly what I need right now.  Even though I'm listening to the book, I am using my bullet journal to do the work she outlines at the end of every chapter and let me tell you this is eye opening stuff!!! If you are a person to listen to personal development books, but never do the homework they tell you to, let me tell you to stop that shit!  This is my first time as I'm usually that girl that listens and doesn't do the work and I don't think I'll ever do that again.  The things I'm learning I think will really help me for the rest of my life.  I did the homework from Chapter 2 and I don't think I ever realized how much stinking thinking I had around money until today.  What have you learned recently about yourself that you think will take you to a better place in your life?


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