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Sleep is for the Weak - Tommy's Home!

Tommy did come home on Friday. The doctor came in and told us at 5 PM on Friday afternoon. By 9 PM, we were home and missing Liam, but I do now see how taking one home first can make things easier. The doctor was very reassuring telling us that it is extremely rare for premie twins in the NICU to come home together. It was bittersweet going home without Liam, but telling ourselves that this was Step 1 of "Operation The New Normal" helped us. Plus having just Tommy around has helped us get to know his cues and routine.

The first night was tough, as when we went to bed, the apnea monitor alarms kept going off, saying there was a loose lead. We finally figured out that both of the pads on his chest needed to be replaced, but we were exhausted at this point. Note to self and others: the pads for the home monitors can only be placed once. After that the sticky is no good and will cause issues. I also learned that if the "loose lead" alarm is going off and you put your hands on the pads through their clothes and the alarms turn off, it must be that the pads need to be replaced. After that the first night was smooth sailing. Tommy slept unless he was hungry.

Last night was completely different. Tommy did decide that sleep was for the weak and I needed to toughen up. Between the hours of 3 to 5 AM, Tommy was hungry enough to be fussy, not awake enough to nurse long enough to be really full. So he kept waking up, crying his head off, nursing a little, falling asleep on me, I'd burp him and lay him back down to sleep, this would last all about 15 minutes, until he'd repeat the whole process. After 5 AM, he slept until about 7:30 AM and now he's been asleep for the past hour.

Believe it or not, I'm feeling fine. After he went back to sleep this morning, I made coffee, cleaned out the top drawer in the nursery and started a load of laundry. I need to clean out the drawers in the nursery as I have all the sizes of the baby clothes in there and now I want to make sure that I only have out what size they are wearing right now. I'll put the other sizes aside and make sure they are organized, so I can pull out the next size of clothes when I'm ready for it.

With Liam, we've been calling the NICU in the morning for an update and coming in for one of the care times later in the day. He's almost ready to be fed on demand instead of on a schedule and fully on bottles or nursing. Once that happens, he can be home in a day or two. So at this point, we're thinking he might come home around Wednesday of this week.


Not on Fire said…
That is great news! I am so glad for you. Talking my oldest son home is one of my happiest memories ever.
Unknown said…
Oh, wonderful news!
Lauren said…
That is great news!
Hilary said…
That is you just have to get Liam home :) How exciting!!
Anonymous said…
That is great news! I know the nighttime waking is rough, but hopefully it will pass quickly. Thinking of you and hoping Liam gets to come home soon!!! :)
Mel said…
Yipeee for bringing Tommy home! :)

And I'm right there with you, mama on the whole night time feeding routine. It's like S. has to have a boob in his mouth to fall asleep. Sounds like you're doing great! Liam will be home with you in no time at all. *hugs*
Well-heeled mom said…
Great news!!!
seussgirl said…
I'm so glad you have one of your precious boys home! Here's hoping his brother joins him soon! And I know from experience the pain of those alarms and monitors. I hope that they strengthen quickly and do not need them long!
Brandy said…
That's WONDERFUL! I'm so glad Tommy is home. Hopefully we will be hearing all about Liam's arrival home very soon.
On My Mind 24/7 said…
Glad one is home! Hope Liam gets to join his brother very soon! And hopefully you will all settle into a routine very soon.
Jill said…
Congrats on Tommy's discharge! Hope Liam's is right around the corner. Good luck with the lack of sleep, although I predict it will be bad for a while (just one twin Momma to the next-what I am preparing myself for anyway!).
cat said…
So great to hear Tommy is home. I used to be very cruel with my little ones - I used a moist facecloth to wipe their cheeks and feet untill they nursed a full feed. Then they slept better. Why don't you give it a try - it is better for all of you - they will also sleep better.
Marcia (123 blog) said…
I'm so happy for you.

My two are in NICU right now after being born at 32 weeks on Tuesday. I can't WAIT to bring them home too.
docgrumbles said…
Best of luck with the transition to the new normal!

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