Since the boys were premature more than 8 weeks, they had to come home with apnea monitors. Liam had problems with his heart rate or breathing stopping while in the hospital and he was on caffeine for the issue, so this made sense. But no matter, they both needed to come home with them. We should be able to turn them in the end of this month, which is one month past my original due date. I can't wait..... It's such a pain not being able to just pick up your baby from their crib and walk around with them if they get fussy. With the apnea monitors you have to turn off the machine, unplug the wires and then pick up your baby. You have no idea how many times I've picked up one of the babies and started to walk away from the crib only to be pulled back when I get to the end of the length of cable to the monitor. I'm trying very hard to make sure that if these aren't necessary that we can get off using them as soon as possible.
Lately Tommy has been setting his off for not breathing, but it doesn't look like that is a problem at all. I've had several instances where I can be looking at Tommy while the monitor is going off still saying he's not breathing while I watch his chest moving up and down. I left a message for the nurse at our pediatrician's office to follow up with the doctor, but I didn't hear back from them today. Which is not a problem as it's not urgent and I'm sure she needs to catch up to our doctor. I know our doctor mentioned at their two month check that it could be reflex and to try raising the top of the crib mattress, but when we do that, he slides down the mattress. It's not like we are allowed to have blankets and gel packs to hold the babies in place in their cribs due to SIDS safety precautions. I'm sure these monitors are very helpful for some babies, but ours seem to be doing so well and Liam (who we've had the concern with) doesn't set his off at all (knocking on wood here!) that I'm sure we'll be ready to give these monitors back on our due date. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that our doctor agrees.
I hope your boys get off them soon!
They sound like they are doing well. Good for you and them. :)
Glad to hear all is going well at your house. :) *hugs*