Things have been so busy and we had to get ready to go to Knoxville, TN with the boys and Phoebe to go to my youngest SIL's wedding. We had a great time, but it was exhausting for us all. Nicki (the SIL that is helping me with the boys now and when I go back to work) is back with us and I'm looking forward to getting more accomplished now that she is here.
To make up for my absence, here are some adorable pics of the boys and Phoebe. I love this one. It shows how Liam will sleep through Tommy making a fuss. Tommy loves to make a fuss when he is hungry. You just can't get to him to eat fast enough. Liam is so laid back and patient and obviously deaf, LOL.

To make up for my absence, here are some adorable pics of the boys and Phoebe. I love this one. It shows how Liam will sleep through Tommy making a fuss. Tommy loves to make a fuss when he is hungry. You just can't get to him to eat fast enough. Liam is so laid back and patient and obviously deaf, LOL.
Here's some pics of our boys' cute little faces.
Phoebe and "her siblings". Please note the "University of TN Forensic Anthropology" t-shirt that has a skull on it under the bedtime sweater wrap, hospital scrub pants for pj bottoms, the pink hair clip-on and the arm full of bracelets. She has her own style, that's for sure. Makes me smile....
And here's another pic of Phoebe, this time with just Tommy. I see this pic and all I can think of is the Lion King song "Can you feel the love tonight?..." You can really see in this pic how much she loves her little brothers.
Phoebe looks like an awesome older sis.
The boys are growing so well, and look so great. How truly blessed.
Yeah, Phoebe looks the doting older sibling.
Best wishes to everyone,