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Home From Vacation

We had a great time.  We went to the beach (New Jersey shore), the zoo, the boardwalk, did amusement park rides, hung out at the house during nap time in the wading pool, drank some wine and ate some good food.  One night we had a girls' night and went to a local martini bar.  It was nice and relaxing.  Ready to get back to reality with work tomorrow.   I'm sure I'll have lots of emails to clean out and lots of catching up to do on projects.  It was so nice not to think about work for a whole week.  Before I get back to reality, here's some great pics from the vacation.

The boys really liked playing in the sand.  Their favorite word was "rock".  They loved finding rocks and putting them in their pockets or the sand buckets.

Phoebe loves playing with her boogie board in the surf.  She could stay there all day and do this.  It's a shame the boys can't keep up with her.  They were still not big fans of the water, but they loved watching other boys about a year older than they are running into the surf.

We went fishing and here's a picture of my husband doing what we were avoiding (he still worked a bit on vacation) and Phoebe and our friends' daughter on a fishing trip.  We didn't catch anything, darn.

I took the boys for a walk once when DH was working.  They fell asleep and I put them in the shade and let them finish a much deserved nap.  They played hard.  They both still love their blankies.  Tommy's is a mess, as he pulls all the yarns out.

I got a pic of the boys sitting on the kitchen step at the house we rented for the week.  They were so cute!

It was funny to take them all to the amusement park.  Here are DH and Phoebe on a ride and the boys' reaction.

We let the boys try the kiddie rides, just the really small ones that didn't do much.  Liam hated it at first, but then he loved it!

But then it was "All done!"

Has anyone ever heard of "Fried Oreos"?  I never have.  We didn't try them.

Here's a mother/daughter picture on the beach.  We're wearing matching dresses a friend made for us.

Here's the boys checking out the life guard boat.

Here's me with Phoebe and the boys in town doing some shopping.  Phoebe and I had just went to the soap store.  They had soap like "Death by Chocolate" and "Monkey Farts", LOL.

Then we let the boys play with one of the water fountains that were down at their level.  We really had a great vacation!


Marcia (123 blog) said…
lovely pics heather - the boys are really so big it's scary!

and phoebe is a lovely young lady like her mother :)

so glad you had a good holiday - I'm officially getting jealous!
Carrie Ann said…
Great vacation! Loved the pics. The kids are getting so big! I remember admiring their infant pictures!
Deanna said…
Great pictures! Glad you all had a nice vacation. I hate the first crazy days back at work.

The boys look so grown up, especially in the last few pictures!! Like little boys, more than babies. : )
Rebecca said…
How much fun! This is the first year in a while that we're not hitting up Ocean City, NJ and I'm really missing the Jersey Shore!!
Lauren said…
Oh my goodness they look like little boys now. All of you look like you had a great time.

And I have heard of fried oreos as well as twinkies and other crazy stuff. I have never tried them but heard they are extremely good. It sounds gross to me.

Hope you have a good week back.
Anonymous said…
looks like a blast! :) love the pics

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