OK, here it is. I'm definately going to be pushing myself to be good to me and do the things I'm supposed to do, especially staying away from dairy and wine. I'm seriously thinking about doing these things for the next month and then talking to the doctor again. Also thinking about pushing on the adoption front. Need to discuss with DH. Overall diagnosis Endometriosis, blood stasis, liver qi stagnation, kidney yang deficiency Symptoms Heavy clotty periods, low back pain, short menstrual cycles, irritability and anxiety – especially when PMS Herbs Started taking these herbs about two three weeks ago. Acupuncture Every other week Supplements Multivitamin, C-1000mg 1x/day, B vitamin 1x/day, Vitamin E 400 IU 2x/day, evening primrose oil 2x/day, fish body oil 2x/day, spirulina 2g 2x/day, zinc 30mg 2x/day, acidophilus 2x/day Diet Avoid – dairy, wheat, cold foods, alcohol Add – seaweed (kombu, hijiki), lemons, pineapple, oatmeal, rice, millet, wheatgrass, walnuts, pumpkin see...