I've been freeze tagged! I've woken up from my I hate my job stupor to total excitement of being freeze tagged... So here's my answers: 1) You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you save? If I was stuck in Farenheit 451 (of which I now planning on reading) what would I save? I'd have to say Whitman's Leaves of Grass . If I couldn't have any other books, I'd have to save poetry. 2) Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Mr. Darcy from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I swear my DH is my Mr. Darcy. 3) The last book you purchased? I just purchased The Infertility Cure which is mostly about Traditional Chinese Medicine cures for infertiliy. I've been thinking of finding a good acupunturist anyway for other issues (allergies, lactose intolerance, improve sex drive). I found it on Sara's website, Baby or Bust. 4) What are you currently reading? Lots of emails for work. Other than that every day I l...
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