Haven't posted in awhile. I kind of fell off the blogger wagon last week, as my daughter was off for Spring Break. She spent a few days with Tom's parents and then we did some family things. My diet was followed as best as possible, but I'm back with renewed spirit, especially since my appointment with the new TCM guy is on Thursday. I'm very interested to see what he thinks. I'll be bringing my new book with me, Healing the Whole Foods Way. Amazon doesn't have it in stock, but my health food store did. This book is as big as a bible, but it's very interesting and has lots of recipes at the end. I've read through quite a bit of it by now and it's really helped me learn a lot about why to stay away from dairy and limit meat products and why carbs are not a bad thing. Refined carbs are bad. Brown rice, barley, potatoes. They can all be in a healthy diet. It also explains why alcohol is not good for you. Still my weak spot when out with friends socializing. I'm working on it.
Wow! Two posts in one day!!! I just had to blog about this. Indigo Girl had posted about her daughter having bad dreams and looking for advice. I had to post what we do in our house to keep away bad dreams. I have to admit it was one of my most brilliant mommy moments as I pulled this one out of my a$$ when I came up with it. When Phoebe was about 3 or 4 years old, she started complaining about nightmares. I knew it was half true and half stalling for bedtime. She has always been very into witches, wizards and spells (heck she was named after the character on Charmed and my due date was Halloween), so I came up with a magic spell on the spot to keep away bad dreams. I figured all it had to do was rhyme. I will share it with you all and feel free to try it if you need it: Bad dreams, bad dreams go away In Phoebe's dreams she must play She should dream of ice cream and cake Until the morning when she wakes She loves it! She still asks for it sometimes if she's had a ni...