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Reorg at Work and Stress Relief Planting Mums

We had a huge reorganization announcement at work yesterday. It did impact me and my department hugely. I'm feeling a bit better about it today, but yesterday I was feeling lots of confusion. I still have the same direct manager but he has a new boss. Today it sounds like it's going to be a good positive for us, but yesterday I was so not sure.

So I went home, got the munchkin off the bus into DH's SUV and we went to the nearby local produce farm and bought nine mums to plant in the front yard to make things look nice for Phoebe's birthday party on Sunday. The price was definately right. They were selling them 3 for $13 and they are huge! I need to finish planting them tonight as the light was starting to fade and we had to go in and eat dinner. I meant to plant mums over the past weekend, but we just got so busy, I never got around to it. After dinner last night, I also pulled out all our Halloween decorations, so we look really festive inside as well as outside! My next task is to get some pics of the pretty mums and the front of our house and post them. If I do, I think I'll post them on my home decor blog that I have been woefully neglecting. I haven't posted since I started it.

Tonight I want to get the pinata and the goodie bag stuff, clean the house and do some laundry. Tomorrow we bake cake! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Jessica said…
Wow! You got a deal on those mums! Would you mind if I added your name to my blog roll?
Beth said…
WOW! What a GREAT deal on mums! They are around $13 each down here in MS. Good luck with everything at work. Don't even think about it this weekend. Enjoy your daughter adn celebrate with her!!!
Rick said…
You're a busy person. Happy birthday to your daughter Phoebe.
Happy said…
I'm sort of envious of your creativity w/holiday decore. I never can figure out how others make their houses look so cute!

I hope Phoebe's party went smoothly!!
LIW (Lady In Waiting) said…
Sounds like you had everything under control! I hope the party was fun!

Thanks for the wonderful comment that you left on my blog. It is SO GREAT to meet another woman with a similar identity, especially one who understands the frustrations and pain of IF. It's always comforting to know that I am not the only one out there who is more interesting and complicated than she appears on the outside! :-)


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