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The Boys Are Here!!!

I'm trying to post this from the hospital Internet access, but I will be able to do this announcement better justice from home, but it is a very odd, but short birth story. They came so fast and furious there was nothing anyone could do. But the boys are in the NICU and doing well. They were born at 31 weeks 5 days gestation on 5/29/2009. I will post their names and information (no comments on names unless you like them, LOL):

Baby A: Thomas Michael III born at 2:09 AM
Weight - 3 lbs, 15 1/2 oz
Length - 18 inches

Baby B: Liam Jonathan born at 2:20 AM
Weight - 4 lbs, 1.4 oz
Length - 17 1/4 inches long

Just a word on their health, Thomas's breathing is doing well and he did not need any help in that area so far. I had two steroid shots from when I was admitted until before they were born, so I think that helped. Liam was intubated and given surfactant when he arrived in the NICU and is now on CPAP, although he can't stand having the tubes in his nose. Both are under the bili-lights starting today. Thomas is taking some feeds through a feeding tube, but Liam is still on IV only. The doctor's are estimating 3-4 weeks for them to be here in the hospital. I'm getting discharged tomorrow afternoon. We don't live very far from the hospital, about 30 minutes, so we'll be back and forth a lot. Please keep our boys in your prayers.

BTW, on the belly shot, I was a bit nervous with using the bikini shot, but I figured what the heck. I will say I wasn't brave enough to wear it outside the bedroom where we took all our pregnancy photos, but we used the bikini to hide my privates while showing the full belly. I got the idea from a friend that also had twins.


Anonymous said…
Congratulations!! I love the names and will keep you all in my prayers. I hope you are feeling well.
Mermaid said…
Congratulations, Heather! I know how hard it is but it sounds like the boys are doing well. Your family is in my thoughts. Keep us updated. I think their names are great.
Congratulations! I'm so very excited for you and I hope the boys continue to do well.

Eeeee! hugs!!!
Suzanne said…
Congratulations! Praying for you all!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations!! I think the names you picked out are wonderful! I'll be praying for God's hands on those little boys- I hope they are ready to come home soon!

PS- you looked fab in the bikini- I told my friend that's also on blogger that you look WAY better that I would in a bikini... and I've never been pregnant HA!

Wishing you the best,
Jamie said…
Yay!! Congratulations! I'm so glad that they are doing so well. I can't wait to read the rest of the birth story and what happened to bring them here.

I hope the hospital stay is a smooth one and that you are recovering well.
Shal said…
Congrats Heather! I'm so glad to hear they are here! Sounds like they are both doing well! I love their names!

Praying for a speedy recovery for you, and for the boys to be healthy and home soon!
Just Me. said…
Holy Moly! Sorry I've been MIA!But m glad u're ok! Big congrats, hun!!!!!
Miss Mac said…
Congrats!!! Great names... so glad that you are doing well and I'm sure it will be no time before the boys are able to go home. Can't wait for the pics! How exciting!
Amanda said…
Congratulations! Hope the boys get to come home with you soon!
Shauna said…
Oh my gosh! I wasn't expecting to read that!

Congrats Heather and welcome boys!
BigP's Heather said…
Holy Toledo!! I'm so super excited. Glad everyone is good. Keeping you all in my thoughts!!

The names are GREAT!
Tracy said…
Oh my gosh! Congratulations! I know it must be so hard to have them in the NICU, but they sound like they are doing great and are a good size for how early they came. And I love the names...Thomas was on our short list. Evan was almost a Tommy. :) Anyway, will be thinking about all of you...I know it will seem like forever but believe it or not in just a few short months this period of time will be a thing of the past. xo
Kellie said…
Congrats Heather!! Will keep your family in my prayers.

Love the names!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I will keep the boys in my thoughts!

Anna said…
Ohhhh, What a huge surprise!
Welcome baby Thomas & Liam.
Such beautiful names. It sounds like your boys are doing well, inspite of their early arrival. I'm very happy and thankful for that. Guess they couldn't wait any longer to meet you and dad and big sis :o)
Wishing you all the very best and great health for the babies.
God Bless,

Sara said…
What awesome news!!! You have waited so long for these special boys!! Can't wait to see pictures! In the meantime, rest up and post when you can!!

P.S. Love the names!! And you in a bikini pregnant is better than me NOT pregnant in a bikini. You are blessed. :-)
Kate said…
Congratulations Heather! I'll be praying for your boys that everything continues to go well for them and that they are home very soon!
Kami said…
Welcome to the world sweet babies!!!! I am so glad they are doing well. I can't wait to see pics! And you looks fabulous in your bakini belly shot!!! Just fabulous!!!

Josée Martens said…
Oh my goodness! I am so glad to hear the boys are doing well in spite of either early arrival. I hope you can heal and catch up on sleep during these short weeks until your sons come home. congratulations and welcome thomas and Liam. :D
Carrie Ann said…
Yay!!! Congratulations! Love the names. Hope you are all doing well and the boys get to come home soon.
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you and Leo!! Welcome Thomas and Liam!! Health and Happiness always for you and your big sis, Phoebe! Love the names btw!!
Tara R. said…
Congratulations! Welcome to the world Liam and Thomas.
Beth said…
OH WOW!!!Congratulations!!! I was so not expecting this today. It sounds like everyone is doing well!!!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Heather!! I am thrilled for you & your family! Praying that their NICU stay is short.

Lauren said…

Funny thing is I was thinking as I clicked on your blog that watch you had the babies since I have been off line for a few days. And sure enough.

I am glad everyone seems to be doing well and I hope they get to go home very soon.

Congrats again!
Mel said…
Eeeeeeee! SO excited for you mama Heather! Congratulations!

Can't wait to hear all about the newest men in your life. :)
nancy said…
CONGRATS!!!! Omg, I missed a few days and you had the boys. Here's to all the healthy growing baby vibes in the world so you can bring them home asap!
Lynda said…
Wow the first month or so the boys are here sounds like it will be a busy one. Am catching up backwards with your posts - congrats again!
JJ said…
Congrats!! Welcome to the world sweet ones--Love the names=)
seattlegal said…
Sorry I've been reading blogs in a while!

congrats on the birth of the twins! It sounds as if they are doing well now.

I'll try to check more often!

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