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Menu Plan - Week of 4/19/2015

We're continuing to rock the menu planning.  It keeps our budget and our bellies happy!  Although I'm sure the kids would love some Chinese take-out at this point.....

Tom made dinner:  Corned beef brisket, mashed potatoes and roasted green beans.

Leftover night - Phoebe wants to go to a yoga class at 7PM with me.  We have leftover fish, mashed potatoes, macaroni & cheese and green beans.

Taco Tuesday!  Ground beef soft or crunchy tacos, home-made guacamole, shredded cheese, black beans, green and red salsas and lettuce.

Sandwich night - Phoebe has Field Hockey practice at 6PM.  I bought lunchmeat at Whole Foods this week and the ham is beautiful!  Ham and smoked mozzarella sandwiches on whole wheat rolls or ezekiel bread, lettuce and tomato.

Liam's favorite chicken and roasted veggie quinoa salad.

Home-made pizza night with a roasted beet and gorgonzola salad.

Keeping it simple - we will probably have leftovers and salad.

Breakfasts - I keep having my Shakeology with unsweetened almond milk.  Will be starting Tom drinking it th)is week.  The kids have the berry smoothie, gluten-free blueberry muffins I made last night (recipe to come soon!), and cereal.

Lunches - The boys have their packed ham and cheese sandwiches, Phoebe eats in the cafeteria and Tom and I are eating salads with some kind of leftover protein from a dinner.  Here's my salad today with grilled steak.  I also use home-made apple cider vinaigrette dressings to avoid the extra sugar in store bought dressings.

Update:  I forgot afternoon snacks!!!  I do pack a healthy afternoon snack to keep me away from the coffee shop which is full of bad choices.  Today I had an apple.  Somedays I'll pack some peanut butter to go with the apple.  I also will have some hummus and tortilla chips and baby carrots on other days to get some variety.  I love crunch in the afternoon.

Do you plan your menus?  What is on your menu for this week?


AiringMyLaundry said…
I need to meal plan!
Marcia (123 blog) said…
I only planned Mon and Tues this week but I've already deviated.

I'm uninspired but am cooking a lot of curries - it's the only thing I'm inspired to eat in this cold weather. That and soup :)
Mrs FF said…
No intentional meal planning around here though I do tend to cook on weekends for the whole week

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