Had a good weekend. We got a lot of things done around the house. We still have a lot more left to do, but it's good progress for the new year.
I've been loading a lot of music on Phoebe's iPod and started creating playlists for me. I figured if she got an iPod before me, I get the ability to borrow it .... a lot! I think the iPod is the greatest invention of all time. I'm such a music freak. Even my mom who has a hard time figuring me all out (sorry, Mom, it's true) knows I'm a music nut. My best gifts as a child was my stereo at 16 and my CD player for Christmas right before I turned 18. Mom's exact words for both were, "Well I know how much you love listening to music." For Christmas this year, I bought myself three CDs: the new Gwen Stefani, Corrine Bailey Rae, and Green Day (American Idiot). Proving again I can listen to anything other than country music. I've been listening to all three in the car constantly.
Other things going on, I'm trying to keep my sink shiny with Flylady for the month of January. So far, so good. I'm also trying to keep up with my workouts on the elliptical machine we have at home. DH setup a TV in the basement to watch while we workout. I'm also trying to make more time for yoga. I've been doing the lower back workout routine from my Iyengar yoga book. I'd really like to start taking classes with my old teacher again on Tuesday evenings and talk to him about taking a class with his teacher, Joan White in Philadelphia.
Phoebe started taking soccer classes on Tuesdays at the Y last week and her ice skating classes start back up this Wednesday. I'm really excited for her ice skating class. She's left the Tot/Pre-Alpha classes and officially starts the Alpha 1 class this term. Yeah!!! Cross-overs here we come! We took her and a friend ice skating on New Year's Eve morning from 10 AM - 12 PM. They didn't want to leave the ice when it was over. It was also really nice that it wasn't that crowded at that time. It made Phoebe want to practice her skills on her own. I don't like having to prod her. I'd rather her want to and enjoy the things her body has learned to do and that's exactly what happened that day!
I've been loading a lot of music on Phoebe's iPod and started creating playlists for me. I figured if she got an iPod before me, I get the ability to borrow it .... a lot! I think the iPod is the greatest invention of all time. I'm such a music freak. Even my mom who has a hard time figuring me all out (sorry, Mom, it's true) knows I'm a music nut. My best gifts as a child was my stereo at 16 and my CD player for Christmas right before I turned 18. Mom's exact words for both were, "Well I know how much you love listening to music." For Christmas this year, I bought myself three CDs: the new Gwen Stefani, Corrine Bailey Rae, and Green Day (American Idiot). Proving again I can listen to anything other than country music. I've been listening to all three in the car constantly.
Other things going on, I'm trying to keep my sink shiny with Flylady for the month of January. So far, so good. I'm also trying to keep up with my workouts on the elliptical machine we have at home. DH setup a TV in the basement to watch while we workout. I'm also trying to make more time for yoga. I've been doing the lower back workout routine from my Iyengar yoga book. I'd really like to start taking classes with my old teacher again on Tuesday evenings and talk to him about taking a class with his teacher, Joan White in Philadelphia.
Phoebe started taking soccer classes on Tuesdays at the Y last week and her ice skating classes start back up this Wednesday. I'm really excited for her ice skating class. She's left the Tot/Pre-Alpha classes and officially starts the Alpha 1 class this term. Yeah!!! Cross-overs here we come! We took her and a friend ice skating on New Year's Eve morning from 10 AM - 12 PM. They didn't want to leave the ice when it was over. It was also really nice that it wasn't that crowded at that time. It made Phoebe want to practice her skills on her own. I don't like having to prod her. I'd rather her want to and enjoy the things her body has learned to do and that's exactly what happened that day!