It's amazing how TV (even the cheesiest of shows) can make you think about your life. The premise of the season finale of Gilmore Girls is that the daughter (sorry I haven't memorized their names yet, even though I'm loving this show) wants to quit Yale as a prominent publisher who she interned with for two weeks tells her she'd make a great assistant for someone, but that she wouldn't make it as a journalist. He also told her that he's really good at sensing these things.
I also had a moment like this when I was in college, but it did the opposite. It was my Engineering Advisor. He was also the head of the Electrical Engineering Dept, which was my specific major. I had to tell him that I had to work around 30 hours a week in order to support myself financially. He told me to quit school, work full-time, and go to night school to finish my engineering degree, because there is no way I wouldn't flunk out if I had to work. I ignored everything he said, studied my a$$ off, didn't have much of a life, and graduated with a GPA over 3.0. I think I proved him wrong.
I also had a moment like this when I was in college, but it did the opposite. It was my Engineering Advisor. He was also the head of the Electrical Engineering Dept, which was my specific major. I had to tell him that I had to work around 30 hours a week in order to support myself financially. He told me to quit school, work full-time, and go to night school to finish my engineering degree, because there is no way I wouldn't flunk out if I had to work. I ignored everything he said, studied my a$$ off, didn't have much of a life, and graduated with a GPA over 3.0. I think I proved him wrong.
Never tell a determined woman never. Girl Power! <-- did i just quote the spice girls? *gack*