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What Would You Do?

I was in my boss's boss's office today (hey that looks funny!) and he has a really great plaque on his desk. I guess it's a paperweight of some kind. It says, "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?" It's really an interesting way to ask yourself what would mean the most to you to do right now. I can think of three things:

1. Have one more child.
2. Make our house more the home we want to have.
3. Become an Iyengar yoga instructor.

So then you stop and think to yourself what is holding you back from these things. I know right now, it's all just me. Even item #1. I'm holding a lot of mental baggage right now with issues with my mom, the baggage of that relationship as I've taken it in with my relationship with my husband (love that man!), fear of disappointment if I go back to the doctor, and fear of losing myself in the hormonal mess that comes with IF treatments.

So tell me what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?


Anonymous said…
Besides the obvious answer of getting pregnant, I would start a catering company. Ideally, I would have a little gourmet shop with a catering operation out the back.
Tara said…
I'd get my ass in better shape. As a matter of fact, I'm going to take a kick at that cat starting Monday.
BigP's Heather said…
Insist on one of my dream jobs (either playing with animals at Sea World all day - not training or anything you have to be educated for, just playing OR I would drive around all day and when people drive stupid I could pull them over and take their license - permanently.), have a couple kids, win the lottery, those kinds of things.
Happy said…
What a good post, I may steal it and answer those questions myself. I see you have the yoga instructor thing. I tried Iyengar yoga a few years ago, but there isn't an instructor nearby. The closest instructor was in Wilmington. Am I missing someone? I have often though that I would like to become a gentle yoga instructor (even though I do a power or a vinyasa yoga) to offer classes for people w/disabilities. Beats the heck out of me where I would get that training. Sweetness keeps encouraging me, but...
Dr. Grumbles said…
Sir back and enjoy being pregnant, even in this early, shaky, scary stage. Then I'd write a novel.
DebbieDo said…
I love that quote, thanks for sharing it.

1- I would get pregnant and have a baby

Is it bad that thats' the only hting I want right now??
Anonymous said…
I love this! It is going to be stolen though (by me for a future post, but I'll credit you).

You know, this is something I often talk with my students about casually, and I think I'm going to make it a more formal piece of writing now that I have read your post.

I have to think about this. It's such a great "meaning of life" question.
Kirsten said…
What a great question...hmmm. Well, for one thing I think I'd take a stab at being a wedding planner because that is something I have always dreamt of doing. That, or moving to the Carribean to open a beachside bar!!!
Jo said…
What a great question. I think I will steal this and blog about it next week. Stop over and see what I have to say.
Well-heeled mom said…
Very thought provoking for a Saturday morning. As I think of all the things I'd like to do, I realize it isn't fear that holds me back - it's finances. More specifically, the lack of the "extra" money!
hammygirl said…
If I couldn't fail...? Challenge the UFE and get my accounting designation right now instead of after 5 more years of courses.

Oh yeah, and get pregnant. ;)
K said…
Great question!
I'd become a massage therapist and open my own spa. Helping people relax - how can that be bad?
Anonymous said…
Just read your blog and oh my!, how profound. To think of what you could do if you couldn't fail is a very interesting concept but!!!! do you think your life would be any more complete or enjoyable if you did not have limitations? I think limitations let us know that we are just human with all the human frailities. Life is truly what you make of it and not baggage, neither mine nor yours will ever bring a person down unless they chose to be down.
When you wake up in the morning and you open your eyes and take in fresh air, that is not failing. When you bake a cake and it does not flop that is not failing. If you truly focus on the little gifts of life and not on our wants or dreams then ,and only then can you appreciate what god has given you. Then you will never fail.

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