I'm officially late if you go by my Fertility Friend chart. I'm 14 DPO with no official temp drop in sight. It went back up again this morning at 98.2. I think it might have been even higher on Sunday morning if I was able to get a good reading in, but we were up really late and DH woke me up in the middle of the night and I got up. When I took my temp at 8:30 AM, it was 99. I didn't bother to record that one.
We'll see what happens. I hate FREDs as I took one last night and this morning. Both were negative. Then hope rears her mighty head reminding me of the notes I've seen of a high number of false negatives with FREDs. Why didn't I buy something else?
We'll see what happens. I hate FREDs as I took one last night and this morning. Both were negative. Then hope rears her mighty head reminding me of the notes I've seen of a high number of false negatives with FREDs. Why didn't I buy something else?
What's a FRED? Not familiar with the term. I too chart temps and the like, using NFP, though for me it's to postpone for a while (three boys under age 5 at home...you SURE you want more? ;-) Of course you do.)
Anyway, best of luck to you in your journey to preggerdom. As one who seems to get pregnant just by LOOKING at a penis, my heart always goes out to my sisters who have trouble getting there.
If you want a few laughs about life with plenty o'kiddos, come by my site for a visit: www.thequeenmama.blogspot.com
Best wishes!
Just getting back around to your site, so i'll be anxious to hear how things work out...